Wednesday 25 May 2011

No deixis que el teu anglès es rovelli!

Els ECClub Reading Groups són l'activitat principal de l'ECClub. Son grups de lectura en anglès, coordinats per professor nadius, amb un màxim de 15 membres i en dos nivells:
  • Intermedi: No tens un nivell molt avançat d'anglès però pots llegir un relat curt? Aquest és el teu grup.
  • Avançat: Tens un nivell avançat, o ets professor d'anglès, o parlant nadiu? Aquest és el teu grup.
Els ECClub Reading Groups llegiran 6 llibres l'any i es reuniran 6 cops l'any en les botigues Abacus de Catalunya i el País Valencià. En una primera etapa, es crearan grups en 20 botigues seleccionades (fes clic a Join the ECClub per veure-les en el formulari d'inscripció).
Es crearan dos grups per botiga, i se n'afegiran de nous en funció de la demanda.
Els participants dels ECClub Reading Groups rebran material de treball per facilitar la lectura i preparar les trobades, per tal de treure'n el màxim profit.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

ECClub Reading Groups

The ECClub Reading Groups are at the heart of the ECClub. All the books read are originally written in English and NOT specially adapted texts for English learners. There will be a maximum of 15 people in each group, led by a native speaker and at 2 levels:
  • Intermediate: if your English is rusty or you have studied up to level 4 at an EOI, then this is the group for you.
  • Advanced: you probably read regularly in English for pleasure or work; you may even be an English teacher yourself or even a native English speaker
Groups at both levels will read a total of 6 books during the academic year in 20 Abacus stores around Catalonia and in Valencia. The location of these stores can be found by clicking on the booking form. There will one group at each level to begin with. Other groups will be offered when numbers increase. Participants will read the book at home and then meet to discuss their impressions and exchange ideas. A set of questions and suggested background reading will be sent before the meeting so that people may prepare for the session in advance.

Monday 23 May 2011

FAQ about the ECClub Reading Groups

Q: What standard of English do I need to join the groups?
A: We have groups at two levels:
Level 1 is aimed at people who have perhaps studied English a long time ago and may be a little rusty, or people who are at around level 4/5 at the EOI. You do need a solid intermediate level to make the most of this group.
Level 2 is for more fluent speakers, teachers of English, people who use English frequently at work or native speakers. A higher level of proficiency is needed to take part in this group.

N.B. It is up to you to decide which is your appropriate level.

Q: How does it work?
A: The year consists of 2 terms:
Term 1 September - January (3 books)
Term 2 January – June (3 books)
We read a book every 5-6 weeks and meet to discuss it on the given date.

Q: How difficult are the books?
A: All the books we read are ‘real’ books. They are NOT simplified versions designed for students of English. At level 1 there will be several words or expressions you have not seen before.
The books at level 1 are usually a bit shorter and less complex than those at level 2.

Q: What happens at the meetings?
A: Level 1: There is a set of comprehension style questions to answer. There is also a chance for discussion about the book and any issues arising from the subject matter.
Level 2: A series of topics to discuss are set and group members put forward their ideas and observations.
At both levels you should be prepared to discuss, ask questions, give your opinions and agree and disagree with other members of the group.

Q: My spoken English is not very good. I make a lot of mistakes. Will you correct me?
A: Usually no. It doesn’t matter if you make a few mistakes – everybody does! The important thing is to be an active participant and use the opportunity to express yourself.

Q: Where are the meetings held?
A: At the Abacus store in the town you select when you subscribe to the ECClub on-line

Q: What days and times?
A: There are 21 different locations and 2 group levels at each store. The dates and times will be set by the group leaders and the stores themselves. When we have the information we will make this available on our web page.

Q: Can I try a group before I make up my mind?
A: Sorry, no.